Lately, We see a lot of silicone-free products that claim that silicone is a toxic ingredient that you should totally avoid in your skincare and makeup formulas.
Should we really avoid silicone altogether? Let’s debunk the myths around silicone!
Silicone is an umbrella word for many forms and types of silicone; each has different unique properties.
Myth: Silicone Suffocates The Skin
Fact: Silicone is a permeable substance that allows the exchange of water and air. Its molecular structure allows water to pass in even when it has some occlusive properties.
Myth: Silicone Accumulates in Nature; It’s not Environmental-Friendly
Fact: Silicone degrades to its natural elements which are water, carbon dioxide and silica (sand). Silicone is a degradable substance, which means it degrades without any interference, and not biodegradable, which means it degrades by biological means.
Myth: Silicone Can Clog Your Pores
Fact: Unlike many other natural oils, silicone doesn’t clog pores or leave your skin feeling greasy, unless you don’t wash your face properly.
Silicone is also an inert hypoallergenic ingredients that is recommended for sensitive skin. It also acts as an emollient and lock hydration in your skin by reducing the trans-epidermal water loss. All of these facts are supported and backed by scientific research; silicone is a beneficial ingredients that we should look for in our products and include it in our skincare routines.